The Different Colors of Poinsettias

Two toned poinsettia

Chad Kremp

The many colors of poinsettias!  

Holiday decor brightens spirits by bringing light and color into your home during the dark winter months. Even better, you can combine the cheeriness of holiday color with the natural beauty of plants with a poinsettia delivery. One of the best Christmas decorations you can add to your home "or give as a present” the relationship between the poinsettia flower, the many different colors of poinsettias, and the holiday season is strong. 


While red is the most common holiday hue, poinsettia bracts (yes, they are bracts, not leaves or petals) can grow in any shade of that spectrum, including crimson, scarlet, burgundy, bright red and so on. The color of passion, red enhances spirits and elevates celebrations. Plus, what's more romantic than finding yourself under the mistletoe with that special someone, surrounded by red poinsettias?


Poinsettia bracts can be blue, cream and white too. Because Christmas is also associated with angels and cherubs, the white, cream and blue bracts can symbolize those revered creatures, while simultaneously broadening the color palette of your holiday decor. Poinsettias also come in shades ranging from bright yellow to dark golden. Symbolizing the wealth family and joy can bring, these colors also imply promise and hope. And, as Bob Cratchit would tell you, what better time is there for hope than the holiday season?


While those colors are most closely associated with the winter holidays, there are also orange, pink, pale green and even purple poinsettias” any of which can serve to enhance your home decor all year around. Plus, they barely need attention, weed control or trimming and hedging when grown outside. Given adequate sun and occasional water, their colorful bracts will provide cheer every day of the year.



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