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9 Wine Health Benefits: How Wine Might Save Your Life

Chad Kremp

If you love wine, you are not alone — many wine lovers have come before you. Wine has been enjoyed by most civilizations for thousands of years; this phenomenal beverage was born somewhere between 6000 and 4000 BC in the Middle East. Historically, wine was frequently consumed since clean water sources were often hard to find, and the health benefits of the drink were discovered early on. Today, scientists have confirmed that drinking red wine in moderation offers many health benefits; here are nine that will leave you in good spirits! 9 Wine Health Benefits: How Wine Might Save Your Life...

Keeps the Heart Healthy Most of you have probably heard the news that red wine is good for your heart. Alcohol and antioxidants increase HDL, known as good cholesterol, thus protecting the arteries and blood vessels. It also reduces inflammation and blood clotting, which can lead to strokes. Additionally, new research has shown that an antioxidant called resveratrol found in the skin of red grapes has been found to mitigate the stiffening of heart tissue caused by heart failure and high blood pressure. This hardening of heart tissue is known as cardiac fibrosis, and it interferes with the heart's ability to pump blood.

Reduces Depression This comes as no surprise to me — there's nothing like a glass of wine to help you relax. A Spanish study showed that people who drank wine were not as likely to be diagnosed with depression.

Prevents Alzheimer's Proteins found in red wine polyphenols inhibit the proteins responsible for the damaging plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease. These polyphenols may also reduce the effects of Alzheimer's disease in people who already have it.

Prevents Diabetes Resveratrol may increase an enzyme known to improve insulin sensitivity — diabetes is caused i

Improved Lung Health I have great news for the white wine lovers out there! White wine has been found to improve lung function. Red wine may reduce the risk of lung cancer due to the antioxidant effects of resveratrol.

Preventing Breast Cancer Doctors have long said that drinking alcohol increases a woman's chance of getting breast cancer because alcohol increases estrogen levels, which helps cancer cells to grow; however, studies have found that women who drank eight ounces of red wine a night for a month had lowered estrogen levels and elevated testosterone levels. So if you are a woman who enjoys drinking white wine, consider switching to red.

Preventing Colon Cancer A study done by the State University of New York at Stony Brook found that out of 1,700 subjects, only 3% of red wine drinkers had colon tumors, compared to 10% of those who did not drink at all. Two glasses of red wine a day can reduce colon tumor risk by 50%.

Anti-aging resveratrol has been found to activate a protein that protects animals from the effects of aging by reducing the occurrence of diseases caused by inflammation. Mice treated with resveratrol lived longer and healthier lives.

Prevents Blindness I always thought wine blurred vision, but I guess I was wrong — in the long term, the resveratrol found in red wine can prevent abnormal blood vessel growth leading to diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration, which leads to blindness. Resveratrol inhibits new blood vessel growth and destroys already-present buildups. I'm starting to think there is nothing red wine can't do! It makes a wonderful gift for so many reasons; it's romantic, relaxing, delicious, and full of health benefits. Treat yourself and someone you know to a wine picnic in the countryside or in a park for a few hours of fun and relaxation — it's just what the doctor ordered.



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