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Tips For Sending Flowers Online When You Can't Be With Your Family For The Holidays

sending flowers online

Chad Kremp

sending flowers online

Going on vacation this holiday? Or maybe your relatives will be too far away this year to visit.

Whatever the reason, the holiday season is upon us and you will not see loved ones during this time. How do you let them know you are thinking of them during the holidays?

A phone call is nice, but many of the winter holidays are centered around gift-giving, even when your relatives don't ask for anything. As a result, one of the best ways to tell a loved one you love them for the holidays is to send them flowers. They are beautiful and decorative, and can say “I love you†in many creative ways.

The best way to send flowers these days is online. It's easy and allows you to choose whatever flowers you like, without the restriction of what's in stock at a brick-and-mortar store. Many online florists even have pre-arrangements they make themselves for specific occasions, making it easier for you to choose one that your loved one will enjoy. Here are some tips for sending flowers to your loved ones this holiday!

Find an Online Florist

When looking for a reliable online florist, think about who you are sending your flowers to. This is important because some florists, even online, don't deliver where you might need them to. Shopping around at national florists can be the best way to find one you like, and one that delivers where you need them to. It also doesn't hurt to look at their selection, distribution, and fair labor methods, if these qualities are important to you.

Writing the Card

While the bouquet says a lot, the card is what you would say to your loved ones. Careful consideration must go into what you say and how you say it, especially if there is an unfortunate reason, such as illness, that you will not see this loved one. There are a lot of websites out there that can help you figure out what to say, but remember that the card is your personal touch, and make sure it represents you!

What Kind of Flowers?

sending flowers online

Winter Bright Vase

This is a gift to another person, so consider them in your choice of flowers and arrangements. Will a nice centerpiece say the same as a vase or bouquet, or would that be impractical due to room constraints? Would a vase be more of a hazard than a gift? Will a flower that sheds create a nuisance, or does your family have pets that may be harmed if they eat the flower? Take your loved ones into consideration!

Edibles and Flowers

A creative way to send flowers to a loved one, especially someone who is allergic to actual flowers, is to send edible bouquets. Candy bar bouquets are a popular choice, but people have created arrangements with many types of foods, from fruit to bacon. Many holiday bouquets feature Christmas candies, such as candy canes and peppermints. Check with the online florist you choose to see if they offer these delicious gifts!

Send Flowers Early

Flower delivery is just as much based on availability as any other kind of delivery, and there are busy days for florists, too. It is a good idea to send your flowers a few days before the actual event. If you wait till the last minute, you might run the risk that your flowers do not get delivered in time for the holidays, but if you send them a few days early, not only will your loved ones have them for the holiday, but they get to enjoy them ahead of time!

Sending flowers when you can't be with loved ones for the holidays is the next best thing to actually being there. It is a thoughtful way of showing people you care about them. Now that you have some knowledge about how to send a bouquet to far away loved ones, the only thing left to do is find that perfect bouquet!

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